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ICreateVerifiablePresentationEIP712Args interface

This API is provided as a beta preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

Encapsulates the parameters required to create a W3C Verifiable Presentation using the EthereumEip712Signature2021 proof format.

This API may change without a BREAKING CHANGE notice.


export interface ICreateVerifiablePresentationEIP712Args extends UsingResolutionOptions

Extends: UsingResolutionOptions


keyRef?string(BETA) (Optional) [Optional] The ID of the key that should sign this presentation. If this is not specified, the first matching key will be used.

(BETA) The json payload of the Presentation according to the canonical model.

The signer of the Presentation is chosen based on the holder property of the presentation

@context, type and issuanceDate will be added automatically if omitted