API Reference
Package | Description |
@veramo/core | Provides Agent implementation |
@veramo/core-types | Provides Agent implementation and defines IResolver, IDIDManager, IKeyManager, IDataStore, IMessageHandler plugin interfaces |
@veramo/credential-eip712 | |
@veramo/credential-ld | Provides a plugin for the Agent that implements ICredentialIssuerLD interface. This plugin adds support for working with JSON-LD credentials. When installed, this plugin will be automatically used by CredentialPlugin if the user requests the credential to be signed by one of the installed signature suites. |
@veramo/credential-status | |
@veramo/credential-w3c | Provides a plugin for the Agent that implements ICredentialIssuer interface. Provides a plugin for the MessageHandler that verifies Credentials and Presentations in a message. |
@veramo/data-store | TypeORM backed plugins. Agent plugin that implements IDataStore interface. Agent plugin that implements IDataStoreORM interface. Provides KeyStore for KeyManager and DIDStore for DIDManager |
@veramo/data-store-json | Agent plugin that implements IDataStore and IDataStoreORMinterfaces and uses a JSON tree as a backend. The JSON tree backend can be persisted to any JSON compatible media using a callback that gets called when the agent data is updated. |
@veramo/did-comm | Provides a plugin for the Agent that implements IDIDComm interface. Provides a plugin for the MessageHandler that decrypts messages. |
@veramo/did-discovery | Provides a plugin for the Agent |
@veramo/did-jwt | Provides a plugin for the MessageHandler that finds and verifies a JWT in a message. |
@veramo/did-manager | Provides a plugin for the Agent that implements IDIDManager interface. |
@veramo/did-provider-ethr | Provides did:ethr identifier provider for the DIDManager |
@veramo/did-provider-ion | Provides did:ion identifier provider for the DIDManager |
@veramo/did-provider-jwk | Provides did:jwk identifier provider for the DIDManager |
@veramo/did-provider-key | Provides did:key identifier provider for the DIDManager |
@veramo/did-provider-peer | Provides did:key identifier provider for the DIDManager |
@veramo/did-provider-pkh | Provides did:pkh identifier provider for the DIDManager |
@veramo/did-provider-web | Provides did:web identifier provider for the DIDManager |
@veramo/did-resolver | Provides a plugin for the Agent that implements IResolver interface. |
@veramo/key-manager | Provides a plugin for the Agent that implements IKeyManager interface |
@veramo/kms-local | Provides a libsodium backed key management system and secret box for the KeyManager |
@veramo/kms-web3 | Provides a web3 wallet backed key management system for the KeyManager |
@veramo/message-handler | Provides a plugin for the Agent that implements IMessageHandler interface. |
@veramo/remote-client | Provides a plugin for the Agent that can proxy method execution over HTTPS |
@veramo/remote-server | Express router for exposing @veramo/remote-client OpenAPI schema |
@veramo/selective-disclosure | Provides a plugin for the Agent that implements SelectiveDisclosure interface. Provides a plugin for the MessageHandler that detects Selective Disclosure Request in a message |
@veramo/url-handler | Provides a plugin for the MessageHandler that can extract a raw message from a URL query string or by fetching. |
@veramo/utils | Contains helper methods for Veramo plugins. |