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React Native Basic Setup & Create Identifiers

This guide will walk you through setting up Veramo on React Native (using expo). You should have a good understanding of React Native and have your environment set up correctly to build iOS and Android apps. Check out the React Native docs to learn more. NodeJS v14 or later is required to run Veramo.

You'll be creating a React Native application that is able to create and remember Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) along with some keys associated with them and display them in a list.


A finished example of this tutorial can be found on github at


Let's set up Veramo to run locally on the device and use expo-sqlite to store data, identities, and keys. Our identifier provider will be did:peer. Initially, we will set up the agent in the most basic config and add more plugins for additional functionality as we go.

Right now we just want to create an identifier.

Bootstrap React Native

Use the Expo CLI bootstrap a new typescript project.

Then, we initialize a new project like so:

npx create-expo-app VeramoMobile --template expo-template-blank-typescript@49.0.15
cd VeramoMobile

Ensure your project is building and running ok before continuing to next steps (npm run android or npm run ios).

Install Dependencies


Different versions of our important dependencies may cause issues. This guide provides exact versions for those dependencies. If you're experiencing strange errors during development, you may want to check these versions, or use the Finished Tutorial as a starting point.

Prerequisite configuration

In an ideal world we would install some dependencies, paste some sample code and start our app, but anyone who has worked with a non-trivial react-native app probably already knows that we don't currently live in this ideal world. Some libraries that we will be depending on make use of the node crypto package, or the crypto.subtle API of browsers. These are not yet available to react-native/expo environments out of the box, so there is a bit of ceremony to bundle everything properly.

Also, the metro bundler that react-native uses doesn't support the cjs file extension until v0.72.0 (see facebook/metro#535) which is used by some libraries in the stack, so we have to configure these too.

ℹ️ Note: In case you run into issues check out the Troubleshooting page for some options and example open-source React Native apps using Veramo.

Support for ESM-only modules

Create metro.config.js file and make sure it looks like this:

// filename: metro.config.js
const { getDefaultConfig } = require('expo/metro-config')

const config = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);

config.resolver.unstable_enablePackageExports = true;

// For React Native below v0.72.0 you need to also add:

module.exports = config;

crypto shims

Next, we start setting up the shims that will be required by our libraries.

npm i @sinonjs/text-encoding react-native-get-random-values @ethersproject/shims crypto-browserify stream-browserify cross-fetch
npm i -D babel-plugin-rewrite-require
npm i -D @babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions
npm i -D babel-plugin-transform-typescript-metadata

Now edit your babel.config.js file at your project root and add the babel-plugin-rewrite-require to it, like so:

// filename: babel.config.js
module.exports = function (api) {
return {
presets: [['babel-preset-expo', { lazyImports: true }]],
plugins: [
[`@babel/plugin-transform-private-methods`, { loose: true }],
alias: {
'~': './src',
aliases: {
crypto: 'crypto-browserify',
stream: 'stream-browserify',
// 'react-native-reanimated/plugin',

Next, we can start adding the shims to the top of our App.tsx file. Read about strong random values here.

// filename: App.tsx

/// shims
import '@sinonjs/text-encoding'
import 'react-native-get-random-values'
import '@ethersproject/shims'

Prerequisites are ready. We can now go on to create a Veramo agent.

Veramo packages

Let's install Veramo Core and some plugins. As you may already have read, Veramo is a framework where almost all the functionality is provided by plugins. Depending on the constellation of plugins that you are using, your Veramo agent will be able to perform some functions or others.

In this case, we are creating a Veramo agent that can create a specific type of DID. Veramo can work with many DID methods, and since it is modular and extensible you can also add support for other methods that are not provided out of the box. But first let's work with a single type of DID, did:ethr.

Don't worry; we will walk through what each of these plugins does in the next section.

npm install \
@veramo/core \
@veramo/did-manager \
@veramo/key-manager \
@veramo/data-store \
@veramo/kms-local \

Bootstrap Veramo

Create a setup file in setup.ts and import the following dependencies:

// filename: setup.ts

// imports:
// Core interfaces
import { createAgent, IDataStore, IDataStoreORM, IDIDManager, IKeyManager, IResolver } from '@veramo/core'

// Core identity manager plugin. This allows you to create and manage DIDs by orchestrating different DID provider packages.
// This implements `IDIDManager`
import { DIDManager } from '@veramo/did-manager'

// Core key manager plugin. DIDs use keys and this key manager is required to know how to work with them.
// This implements `IKeyManager`
import { KeyManager } from '@veramo/key-manager'

// This plugin allows us to create and manage `did:peer` DIDs (used by DIDManager)
import { PeerDIDProvider } from '@veramo/did-provider-peer'

// A key management system that uses a local database to store keys (used by KeyManager)
import { KeyManagementSystem, SecretBox } from '@veramo/kms-local'

// Storage plugin using TypeORM to link to a database
import { Entities, KeyStore, DIDStore, migrations, PrivateKeyStore } from '@veramo/data-store'

// TypeORM is installed with '@veramo/data-store'
import { DataSource } from 'typeorm'

Create an Infura project ID and a database encryption key:

// filename: setup.ts

// ... imports


// This is a raw X25519 private key, provided as an example.
// You can run `npx @veramo/cli config create-secret-key` in a terminal to generate a new key.
// In a production app, this MUST NOT be hardcoded in your source code.
const DB_ENCRYPTION_KEY = '29739248cad1bd1a0fc4d9b75cd4d2990de535baf5caadfdf8d8f86664aa830c'

Database configuration

Since we're in an expo app, we'll use expo-sqlite as a database driver.

npm i expo-sqlite@11.3.3

Next initialize our sqlite database using TypeORM:

// filename: setup.ts

// ... imports & CONSTANTS

// DB setup:
let dbConnection = new DataSource({
type: 'expo',
driver: require('expo-sqlite'),
database: 'veramo.sqlite',
migrations: migrations,
migrationsRun: true,
logging: ['error', 'info', 'warn'],
entities: Entities,

Finally, create the agent and add plugins for Key, Identifiers, Resolution, Credentials and Storage.

// filename: src/veramo/setup.ts

// ... imports & CONSTANTS & DB setup

// Veramo agent setup
export const agent = createAgent<IDIDManager & IKeyManager & IDataStore & IDataStoreORM>({
plugins: [
new KeyManager({
store: new KeyStore(dbConnection),
kms: {
local: new KeyManagementSystem(new PrivateKeyStore(dbConnection, new SecretBox(DB_ENCRYPTION_KEY))),
new DIDManager({
store: new DIDStore(dbConnection),
defaultProvider: 'did:peer',
providers: {
'did:peer': new PeerDIDProvider({
defaultKms: 'local'

What we have so far

Let's take a moment to understand what's going on here. We created an agent object using the createAgent method and an array of plugins. These plugins provide some methods, which are then made available from the agent object.

For example, the DIDManager plugin has a didManagerCreate() function. While this plugin is in use, this function is available on the agent object as agent.didManagerCreate().

Internally, the DIDManager needs to work with keys when creating DIDs, or when executing operations that update a DID document. To do this, it calls agent and asks for a IKeyManager implementation. In our case, this is provided by the KeyManager plugin. This kind of pattern makes the framework very modular, allowing you to replace plugin implementations to suit your needs, or to add other plugins that may not be available out of the box.

This is made for Typescript

The createAgent method allows you to specify the plugin interfaces that you are using, by the Intersection type between the <> angle brackets.

This is entirely optional, but it allows you to develop more easily by letting your IDE give you hints about the available method names and their parameters and return types.

We haven't found a good way of automatically

Basic User Interface

Awesome! That's a basic agent configured and ready to use. Let's try it out 🚀 Now that the agent has been created and configured with plugins, we can create some identifiers. For this, we will need some basic UI.

Veramo does not impose decisions on how you manage state in your app and will work alongside any existing

architecture like Redux or Mobx etc. For brevity, we use useState in this example, but you can treat Veramo like you would any async data source.

Open App.tsx, delete all the contents after the shims you setup earlier and then replace it with the following code:

// filename: App.tsx

// ... shims

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { SafeAreaView, ScrollView, View, Text, Button } from 'react-native'

// Import the agent from our earlier setup
import { agent } from './setup'
// import some data types:
import { IIdentifier } from '@veramo/core'

const App = () => {
const [identifiers, setIdentifiers] = useState<IIdentifier[]>([])

// Add the new identifier to state
const createIdentifier = async () => {
const _id = await agent.didManagerCreate({
provider: 'did:peer',
options: {
num_algo: 2,
service: { id: '1', type: 'DIDCommMessaging', serviceEndpoint: "", description: 'for messaging' }
setIdentifiers((s) => s.concat([_id]))

// Check for existing identifers on load and set them to state
useEffect(() => {
const getIdentifiers = async () => {
const _ids = await agent.didManagerFind()

// Inspect the id object in your debug tool
console.log('_ids:', _ids)

}, [])

return (
<View style={{ padding: 20 }}>
<Text style={{ fontSize: 30, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Identifiers</Text>
<Button onPress={() => createIdentifier()} title={'Create Identifier'} />
<View style={{ marginBottom: 50, marginTop: 20 }}>
{identifiers && identifiers.length > 0 ? ( IIdentifier) => (
<View key={id.did}>
) : (
<Text>No identifiers created yet</Text>

export default App

Now, we can finally run the app to see some identifiers being created!

npm start

Once loaded hit the Create identifier button a few times, and you should see your identifiers being created!

Building for production

When you use @veramo/data-store you will need to ensure that class names are not mangled during the minification step of a release build. This is because it uses typeorm which relies on class names to make decisions about database migrations.

To get around this issue, you can use one of the solutions from this thread:


your environment

When working with expo/react-native it is easy to get your working directory into a broken state. We found that the easiest way out is to clear all caches and start from scratch (keeping your source code, of course).

To do this we usually:

  • stop the metro bundler,
  • then clear some directories,
  • reinstall,
  • restart the bundler without cache
  • rebundle the app
rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-cache
rm package-lock.json
npm install
npm start -- -c
# press `a` or `i` to run your app
# press `r` to rebundle

Normally you will use a lot of @veramo/* packages when working with Veramo. It is very common for these packages to depend on each other, and/or on other common libraries. For this reason, it is very important to keep these packages in sync in terms of versions. Having different versions of these libraries running at the same time in your app will very easily lead to non-deterministic behavior. The only compatibility matrix you can count on is all @veramo/* packages at the same version.


In this guide we:

  • set up a react-native application using expo,
  • did all the ceremony to make sure crypto works for all the dependencies,
  • created a very basic Veramo agent,
  • used that agent to create some DIDs and show them in a basic UI.

These did:peer identifiers we created are Decentralized Identifiers(DIDs) that use the peer DID method. You can read more about how this works by going through the did:peer spec.

Check out the next section to see how to set up your Veramo agent to resolve these DIDs and others and obtain their DID Documents.