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LdDefaultContexts variable

This API is provided as a beta preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

Provides a hardcoded map of common Linked Data @context definitions.

You can use this to bootstrap the @context definitions used by CredentialIssuerLD with these common context definitions.

This API may change without a BREAKING CHANGE notice.


LdDefaultContexts: Map<
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
VerifiableCredential: {
'@id': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
cred: string
sec: string
xsd: string
credentialSchema: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
cred: string
JsonSchemaValidator2018: string
credentialStatus: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
credentialSubject: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
evidence: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
expirationDate: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
holder: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
issued: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
issuer: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
issuanceDate: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
proof: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
refreshService: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
cred: string
ManualRefreshService2018: string
termsOfUse: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
validFrom: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
validUntil: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
VerifiablePresentation: {
'@id': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
cred: string
sec: string
holder: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
proof: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
verifiableCredential: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019: {
'@id': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
sec: string
xsd: string
challenge: string
created: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
domain: string
expires: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
jws: string
nonce: string
proofPurpose: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
sec: string
assertionMethod: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
authentication: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
proofValue: string
verificationMethod: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
EcdsaSecp256r1Signature2019: {
'@id': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
sec: string
xsd: string
challenge: string
created: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
domain: string
expires: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
jws: string
nonce: string
proofPurpose: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
sec: string
assertionMethod: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
authentication: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
proofValue: string
verificationMethod: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
Ed25519Signature2018: {
'@id': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
sec: string
xsd: string
challenge: string
created: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
domain: string
expires: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
jws: string
nonce: string
proofPurpose: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
sec: string
assertionMethod: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
authentication: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
proofValue: string
verificationMethod: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
RsaSignature2018: {
'@id': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
challenge: string
created: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
domain: string
expires: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
jws: string
nonce: string
proofPurpose: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@context': {
'@version': number
'@protected': boolean
id: string
type: string
sec: string
assertionMethod: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
authentication: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string
proofValue: string
verificationMethod: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
proof: {
'@id': string
'@type': string
'@container': string