DIDManager class
Agent plugin that implements IDIDManager interface
export declare class DIDManager implements IAgentPlugin
Implements: IAgentPlugin
Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
(constructor)(options) | Constructs a new instance of the DIDManager class |
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
methods | readonly | IDIDManager | Plugin methods |
schema | readonly | { components: { schemas: { IDIDManagerAddKeyArgs: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; key: { $ref: string; description: string; }; options: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IKey: { type: string; properties: { kid: { type: string; description: string; }; kms: { type: string; description: string; }; type: { $ref: string; description: string; }; publicKeyHex: { type: string; description: string; }; privateKeyHex: { type: string; description: string; }; meta: { anyOf: ({ $ref: string; type?: undefined; } | { type: string; $ref?: undefined; })[]; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; TKeyType: { type: string; enum: string[]; description: string; }; KeyMetadata: { type: string; properties: { algorithms: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; }; }; description: string; }; TAlg: { type: string; description: string; }; IDIDManagerAddServiceArgs: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; service: { $ref: string; description: string; }; options: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IService: { type: string; properties: { id: { type: string; description: string; }; type: { type: string; description: string; }; serviceEndpoint: { anyOf: ({ $ref: string; type?: undefined; items?: undefined; } | { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; $ref?: undefined; })[]; description: string; }; description: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IServiceEndpoint: { anyOf: { type: string; }[]; description: string; }; IDIDManagerCreateArgs: { type: string; properties: { alias: { type: string; description: string; }; provider: { type: string; description: string; }; kms: { type: string; description: string; }; options: { type: string; description: string; }; }; description: string; }; IIdentifier: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; alias: { type: string; description: string; }; provider: { type: string; description: string; }; controllerKeyId: { type: string; description: string; }; keys: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; description: string; }; services: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IDIDManagerDeleteArgs: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IDIDManagerFindArgs: { type: string; properties: { alias: { type: string; description: string; }; provider: { type: string; description: string; }; }; description: string; }; IDIDManagerGetArgs: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IDIDManagerGetByAliasArgs: { type: string; properties: { alias: { type: string; description: string; }; provider: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IDIDManagerGetOrCreateArgs: { type: string; properties: { alias: { type: string; description: string; }; provider: { type: string; description: string; }; kms: { type: string; description: string; }; options: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; MinimalImportableIdentifier: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; alias: { type: string; description: string; }; provider: { type: string; description: string; }; controllerKeyId: { type: string; description: string; }; keys: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; }; services: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; MinimalImportableKey: { $ref: string; description: string; }; "RequireOnly<IKey,(\"privateKeyHex\"|\"type\"|\"kms\")>": { type: string; properties: { kid: { type: string; description: string; }; kms: { type: string; description: string; }; type: { $ref: string; description: string; }; publicKeyHex: { type: string; description: string; }; privateKeyHex: { type: string; description: string; }; meta: { anyOf: ({ $ref: string; type?: undefined; } | { type: string; $ref?: undefined; })[]; description: string; }; }; description: string; }; IDIDManagerRemoveKeyArgs: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; kid: { type: string; description: string; }; options: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IDIDManagerRemoveServiceArgs: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; id: { type: string; description: string; }; options: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IDIDManagerSetAliasArgs: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; alias: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; IDIDManagerUpdateArgs: { type: string; properties: { did: { type: string; description: string; }; document: { type: string; properties: { "@context": { anyOf: ({ type: string; properties: {}; allOf?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties?: undefined; allOf?: undefined; } | { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { type: string; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; type?: undefined; properties?: undefined; })[]; }; id: { type: string; }; alsoKnownAs: { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { type: string; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; }; controller: { anyOf: ({ type: string; allOf?: undefined; } | { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { type: string; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; type?: undefined; })[]; }; verificationMethod: { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; }; service: { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; }; publicKey: { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; deprecated: boolean; }; authentication: { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { anyOf: ({ type: string; $ref?: undefined; } | { $ref: string; type?: undefined; })[]; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; }; assertionMethod: { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { anyOf: ({ type: string; $ref?: undefined; } | { $ref: string; type?: undefined; })[]; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; }; keyAgreement: { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { anyOf: ({ type: string; $ref?: undefined; } | { $ref: string; type?: undefined; })[]; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; }; capabilityInvocation: { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { anyOf: ({ type: string; $ref?: undefined; } | { $ref: string; type?: undefined; })[]; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; }; capabilityDelegation: { allOf: ({ type: string; items: { anyOf: ({ type: string; $ref?: undefined; } | { $ref: string; type?: undefined; })[]; }; properties?: undefined; } | { type: string; properties: {}; items?: undefined; })[]; }; }; description: string; }; options: { type: string; description: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; VerificationMethod: { type: string; properties: { id: { type: string; }; type: { type: string; }; controller: { type: string; }; publicKeyBase58: { type: string; }; publicKeyBase64: { type: string; }; publicKeyJwk: { $ref: string; }; publicKeyHex: { type: string; }; publicKeyMultibase: { type: string; }; blockchainAccountId: { type: string; }; ethereumAddress: { type: string; }; conditionOr: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; }; conditionAnd: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; }; threshold: { type: string; }; conditionThreshold: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; }; conditionWeightedThreshold: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; }; conditionDelegated: { type: string; }; relationshipParent: { type: string; items: { type: string; }; }; relationshipChild: { type: string; items: { type: string; }; }; relationshipSibling: { type: string; items: { type: string; }; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; JsonWebKey: { type: string; properties: { alg: { type: string; }; crv: { type: string; }; e: { type: string; }; ext: { type: string; }; key_ops: { type: string; items: { type: string; }; }; kid: { type: string; }; kty: { type: string; }; n: { type: string; }; use: { type: string; }; x: { type: string; }; y: { type: string; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; ConditionWeightedThreshold: { type: string; properties: { condition: { $ref: string; }; weight: { type: string; }; }; required: string[]; }; Service: { type: string; properties: { id: { type: string; }; type: { type: string; }; serviceEndpoint: { anyOf: ({ $ref: string; type?: undefined; items?: undefined; } | { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; $ref?: undefined; })[]; }; }; required: string[]; description: string; }; ServiceEndpoint: { anyOf: { type: string; }[]; description: string; }; }; methods: { didManagerAddKey: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { type: string; }; }; didManagerAddService: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { type: string; }; }; didManagerCreate: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { $ref: string; }; }; didManagerDelete: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { type: string; }; }; didManagerFind: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { type: string; items: { $ref: string; }; }; }; didManagerGet: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { $ref: string; }; }; didManagerGetByAlias: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { $ref: string; }; }; didManagerGetOrCreate: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { $ref: string; }; }; didManagerGetProviders: { description: string; arguments: { type: string; }; returnType: { type: string; items: { type: string; }; }; }; didManagerImport: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { $ref: string; }; }; didManagerRemoveKey: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { type: string; }; }; didManagerRemoveService: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { type: string; }; }; didManagerSetAlias: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { type: string; }; }; didManagerUpdate: { description: string; arguments: { $ref: string; }; returnType: { $ref: string; }; }; }; }; } |