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credential-ld package

Provides a plugin for the Agent that implements ICredentialIssuerLD interface.

This plugin adds support for working with JSON-LD credentials. When installed, this plugin will be automatically used by CredentialPlugin if the user requests the credential to be signed by one of the installed signature suites.


CredentialIssuerLDA Veramo plugin that implements the ICredentialIssuerLD methods.

(ALPHA) Veramo wrapper for the EcdsaSecp256k1RecoverySignature2020 suite by Transmute Industries

This API is experimental and is very likely to change or disappear in future releases without notice.


(ALPHA) Veramo wrapper for the Ed25519Signature2018 suite by Transmute Industries

This API is experimental and is very likely to change or disappear in future releases without notice.


(ALPHA) Veramo wrapper for the Ed25519Signature2020 suite by digitalcredentials

This API is experimental and is very likely to change or disappear in future releases without notice.


(ALPHA) Veramo wrapper for the JsonWebSignature2020 suite by Transmute Industries

This API is experimental and is very likely to change or disappear in future releases without notice.

Abstract Classes

Abstract ClassDescription

(ALPHA) Base class for Veramo adapters of LinkedDataSignature suites.

This API is experimental and is very likely to change or disappear in future releases without notice.



(BETA) Encapsulates the parameters required to create a W3C Verifiable Credential

This API may change without a BREAKING CHANGE notice.


(BETA) Encapsulates the parameters required to create a W3C Verifiable Presentation

This API may change without a BREAKING CHANGE notice.

ICredentialIssuerLD(BETA) The interface definition for a plugin that can issue and verify Verifiable Credentials and Presentations that use JSON-LD format (also called Data Integrity Proofs).

(BETA) Encapsulates the parameters required to verify a W3C Verifiable Credential

This API may change without a BREAKING CHANGE notice


(BETA) Encapsulates the parameters required to verify a W3C Verifiable Presentation

This API may change without a BREAKING CHANGE notice.



(BETA) Provides a hardcoded map of common Linked Data @context definitions.

You can use this to bootstrap the @context definitions used by CredentialIssuerLD with these common context definitions.

This API may change without a BREAKING CHANGE notice.


Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription

(BETA) Describes a document with a @context property.

This API may change without a BREAKING CHANGE notice.


(BETA) Represents the requirements that this plugin has. The agent that is using this plugin is expected to provide these methods.

This interface can be used for static type checks, to make sure your application is properly initialized.

This API may change without a BREAKING CHANGE notice.