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Create Credentials


The veramo list of "core" packages contains a W3C Credential plugin. This plugin allows us to create and verify credentials with JWT proof type.

Now add the credential package:

npm install @veramo/credential-w3c`

ℹ️ Note: In case you run into issues check out the Troubleshooting page for some options.


Next, let's install these in our Veramo setup. First, we'll add these imports:

// filename: setup.ts

// imports:
// This plugin allows us to issue and verify W3C Verifiable Credentials with JWT proof format
import { CredentialPlugin, ICredentialIssuer, ICredentialVerifier } from '@veramo/credential-w3c'

Then, let's add this plugin to the list of plugins given to createAgent:

// filename: setup.ts

// ... imports & CONSTANTS & DB setup

// Veramo agent setup
export const agent = createAgent<
IDIDManager & IKeyManager & IDataStore & IDataStoreORM & IResolver & ICredentialIssuer & ICredentialVerifier
// we also add the ICredentialIssuer & ICredentialVerifier plugin interface
plugins: [
// ... previously added plugins
new CredentialPlugin(),


Let's add a method that will call the agent to create a verifiable credential.

// filename: App.tsx

// ... imports
import { VerifiableCredential } from '@veramo/core'

const App = () => {
// const [identifiers, setIdentifiers] = ...

const [credential, setCredential] = useState<VerifiableCredential | undefined>()

const createCredential = async () => {
if (identifiers[0].did) {
const verifiableCredential = await agent.createVerifiableCredential({
credential: {
issuer: { id: identifiers[0].did },
issuanceDate: new Date().toISOString(),
credentialSubject: {
id: '',
you: 'Rock',
save: false,
proofFormat: 'jwt',


// ... the rest of the App code

// Modify the return value of the `App` function to include space for the DID document like so:
return (
{/* previously added code */}
<View style={{ padding: 20 }}>
title={'Create Credential'}
disabled={!identifiers || identifiers.length === 0}
onPress={() => createCredential()}
<Text style={{ fontSize: 10 }}>{JSON.stringify(credential, null, 2)}</Text>


In this guide we:

  • installed a new Veramo plugin that can issue Verifiable Credentials,
  • used the new plugin to issue a credential
  • displayed the credential